Matt’s Blog Page

I am about to lookup the origin of the term “blog”. Does not seem to be a flattering title.

I have never blogged before, and I’ve never followed any blog. I’m sure I’ve been presented with blog posts via internet searches, but I don’t recall ever logging into a cite in order to view a “blog”. I’ll search for that definition now.

Google Search – A blog is a website that publishes regularly updated content, or blog posts, about a specific topic. Blogs can be personal or professional, and can be run by individuals, groups, or businesses.

So, I know very little about this genre. I hope that maybe the content I post will seem interesting in contrast to existing content. We’ll see…

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3 responses to “Matt’s Blog Page”

  1. William Forte Avatar
    William Forte

    Blog Page

  2. William Forte Avatar
    William Forte

    Now seeing comments

  3. William Forte Avatar
    William Forte
